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Passant de Linux (où elle fonctionnais sans problême) à Windows Seven, j'ai voulu utiliser ma webcam Toucam Pro (PCVC840K/20).


Le pilote Philips ne fonctionnant pas, j'ai trouvé ça :


I had this problem when I switched over to Vista. I'm on Windows 7 now, and have got the webcam working. Here's how:


1. Go to the Philips website and download the Win7 driver for the SPC900 webcam.


2. Install the driver software. You may need to reboot.


3. Go to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Philips\Philips SPC900NC PC Camera


4. open the file Camvid40.inf with Notepad.


5. Make the following changes... (in the menu select View->Status Bar to see line numbers)


Edit line 66 to look like this:

%USBVid.DeviceDesc%=USBVidx86,USB\VID_0471&PID_031 1&MI_00


Edit line 69 to look like this:

%USBVid.DeviceDesc%=USBVidXp64,USB\VID_0471&PID_03 11&MI_00


Edit line 72 to look like this:

%USBVid.DeviceDesc%=USBVidVista64,USB\VID_0471&PID _0311&MI_00


6. Save the file.


7. Open the file SPC900.txt with Notepad.


8. Edit line 2 to look like this:



9. Save the file.


10. In the Start Menu, right-click Computer and select Properties. In the list on the left select Device Manager.


11. You should see a item in the list with a yellow exclaimation dot and the words Unknown Device. This should be your webcam. Confirm this but unplugging it from the pc - it should disappear from the list.


12. Right-click the Unknown Device and select Update Driver Software. Select Browse my computer and then Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Philips\Philips SPC900NC PC Camera. Tick Include subfolders and click Next.


13. If all goes according to plan it should detect the webcam and install it. Rejoice!


Apparement ça fonctionne bien, mais ce n'est pas sans risque pour la webcam d'aprés d'autres avis ...


Si la manip peut servir à d'autres ...

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