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Probleme de Pilotage


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Bonjour a tous !


Voila apres m'être renseigné aupres de certains magasins d'astronomies, parcouru et fouiné plusieurs forums, je n'ai toujours pas de solution a mon probleme...:b:


Je sollicite donc votre aide ;)


Il s'agit de piloter un Celestron NexStar5 comme celui ci :


J'ai acheter le cable RS232 que je branche de ma raquette a mon pc portable grace au port serie.


J'ai essayé avec carte du ciel, winstar, nexremote etc ... rien a faire il ne detecte jamais mon telescope...:(


Sa fait 1 mois que je suis dessus, je commence a déprimé :p

Faut il faire des manips spécials pour qu'il le detecte...




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Solutions for PC to Scope Communication Problems


Laptops in particular can be a little tricky with the serial port. NexStar Observer List (NSOL) uses the most straight-forward method possible for communicating via the serial port, so if you are having problems with NSOL, other programs will experience the same problem. If you can get NSOL working, but not your other programs, visit their web site for any updates and/or contact their technical support. Here are some things to try to get your PC and scope communicating:

1. The telescope must be aligned before it will accept commands. To test indoors, simply perform a Quick Align or an Auto Align, accepting the locations pointed out for the two stars.

2. NSOL and almost all other astronomy programs can only communicate with the telescope via the port on the bottom of the hand control - not the ports on the base of the mount.

3. Perhaps you selected the wrong telescope type in the program; you will not harm your telescope or computer testing other scope types.

4. Some combinations of computers and NexStar telescopes are sensitive to the order of events when connecting the two. Try aligning the scope with the PC disconnected from the hand control. Then connect




Merci syn


Oui Pascal, j'ai essayé avk Control Pad rien a faire...

Je bien configurer le port com aussi.


Il n'y a pas un logiciel expres pour le nx5 par hasard?


merci a vous


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