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Mostly sunny morning with some cloud but a strengthening wind and very poor seeing. Cloud increasing later with a band of heavy rain late afternoon. Solar activity continues a slow decline.



0935 UT. Coronado PST CaK, prime focus, DMK41.


Unfortunately I lost the Ha full disk overview due to a technical accident (caused by brain fade blush.gif ). Seeing was too poor to get satisfactory closeups in CaK and strong wind made the FLT 110 / SF-100 unusable due to vibration (yes, I did try & wasted lots of time doing so!)


AR 11109 is now right on the limb. The Ha view also shows the remnants of the filament which was trailing it.



1002 UT. WO FLT 110, Lunt solar wedge, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21



1007 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


AR 11111 still contains a couple of small white light spots. The Ha activity in this area appears to be declining:



1009 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


The only other significant activity on the disk is the appearance of numerous filaments near the eastern limb:



1012 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21 (three frame mosaic)


The extensive bank of small prominences on the east limb is probably associated with the eastern sector filaments:



1023 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


There is also a large but faintish quiescent "gothic arch" type prominence on the north east limb:



1014 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


Prominences elsewhere were small and faintish, with remarkably little activity in the north west adjacent to AR 11109.


Transparency good but with some drifting cloud. Seeing poor to very poor with considerable very rapid "jet stream" boiling. Temperature 12C, wind S force 4-5 increasing 6 gusting 7.



I ache, therefore I am


Jean Louis

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Faible activité.


Sunny day with strong southerly wind. Seeing better than yesterday but rather less to see - AR 11109 is over the limb and I failed to see anything in AR 11111 in white light.





0908 UT. Coronado PST CaK, prime focus, DMK41



0926 UT. Solarscope 60, 0.5x focal reducer, DMK41


Closeups of AR 11111 show declining plage in both Ha and CaK. Is there a hint of a few pores in the CaK image?



0930 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21



0914 UT. Lunt 60mm, B1200 CaK diagonal, DMK21


There are interesting filaments in the north west ...



0931 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


... and in the east ...



0934 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21 (three frame mosaic)


... but few prominences, again in the north west (probably the last signs of AR 11109) ...



0937 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


... and in the east, a small but brightish "blobby" affair:



0940 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


Transparency moderate, no cloud obvious but sky appeared whiter than usual. Seeing moderate to poor with significant boiling. Temperature 13C, wind SE force 5 gusting 6-7 (too windy for my FLT 110).



I ache, therefore I am



Jean Louis

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De belles images malgré la faible activité.



Disappointing morning with thickening high cloud sheet, but it cleared to a nice transparent sky at lunchtime. Seeing was reasonable, too, but with a troublesome strong wind preventing me from using the FLT 110. Once again, there was not much to see on the disc ...



1157 UT. Coronado PST CaK, prime focus, DMK41



1152 UT. Solarscope 60, 0.5x focal reducer, DMK41


... but a few faintish filaments in the east ...



1152 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


There were, however, a number of interesting prominences. Clockwise, from the north west:



1134 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21



1136 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21



1137 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21



1139 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21



1141 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


The ESE limb prominence was changing rapidly, as shown by this 2 frame animation - taken from my full frame image (above) and a similar image taken at 0931 UT through a sheet of milky high cloud:




Transparency very good (except earlier frame of animation). Seeing moderate. Temperature 17C, wind S force 5 gusting 6.



I ache, therefore I am



Jean Louis

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Bonjour les amis:).Un peu comme hier,activité très moyenne,pas de nouvelle AR en vue.Que celà ne vous empèche pas de sortir vos instruments,une surprise est toujours possible;).Bonnes obs à tous ceux qui le peuvent:)!


Jean Louis

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Une nouvelle zone active pointe au sud est,à surveiller:)!!



Grey morning, cloud sort of broke for a while in the afternoon but the sky was milky, there was still lots of interference from low level cloud shreds and the seeing was bad (as in awful) - and a strong wind too.


Solar disc still blank in white light & not a lot different in CaK:



1310 UT. Coronado PST CaK, prime focus, DMK41


... though there is a small patch of plage rounding the SE limb. In Ha, the disc is again quiet, but there is an exceptionally bright low prominence poised over the limb in the same location as the CaK plage. (Prominence totally burned out in this composite image, exposed to show the other proms!)



1317 UT. Solarscope 60, 0.5x focal reducer, DMK41


Here's a closeup of the SE limb activity. This is a "one shot" with only moderate lifting of the prominence.



1321 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


And here is an image of the prominences on the north west limb, which the remains of AR 11111 is now approaching:



1323 UT. Solarscope 60, 2.5x Powermate, DMK21


Transparency poor and variable, drifting low level clouds and cirrostratus cover. Seeing bad with severe boiling. Temperature 18C, wind SE force 5 gusting 6.



I ache, therefore I am



Jean Louis

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Bonjour les amis,

Voici les images d'hier après midi ,

pas grand chose à se mettre sous la dent ,quelques fines protus et des petits filaments ,

presque deux semaines sans images ,il était temps .....


le disque en Calcium :




la planche du jour :




Bonne journée


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Bonjour tout le monde,


Aujourd'hui ciel dégagé, juste un léger voile nuageux autour du soleil rien de bien dramatique.


Je file sur mon lieux d'observation et voilà ce que j'obtiens:




L'image n'est pas d'une qualité phénoménale mais je découvre ma nouvelle barlow televue 3x, c'est très difficile la mise au point avec 1500mm de focale. De plus ma monture n'était pas du stable... faut que je change :(


Les conditions de prise de vue:


Lunette 100/500 + Barlow televue 3x, dmk 21, gain minimum, exposition 1/27s, turbulence catastrophique...


J'ai entouré quelque chose de "bizarre" trois petit point plus lumineux que le reste. Ces taches très lumineuse on varier d'intensité sur les deux heures d'observations.

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C'est une nouvelle tache qui est se forme !

ton image n'est pas si catastrophique que ça ,je dirais même pas mal du tout !!


Merci beaucoup :), donc ces petits point lumineux sont des bébés tâches ^^?


Comment veux tu faire une MAP précise si ta monture vibre ?


Ca me semble logique, mais une part de moi me dit non pour pas dépenser des sous dans une monture!


La mise au point aujourd'hui fut très pénible, a peine j'effleure la molette 1/10 que c'est partit pour une minute de vibration

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