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Invité SeB2003

Ah elle est belle, apparement elle est déjà équipée d'un moyen de communication :be: c'est quoi son numéro ? :be:

Merci pour la photo!

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  • 4 semaines plus tard...

Bonjour, dans quelques jours, j'aurai certainement le droit de dévoiler un peu plus de détails relatifs à la trouvaille de cette belle météorite, et ainsi répondre aux attentes des curieux et des spécialistes, qui se font de plus en plus pressantes, comme on le voit dans l'éditorial ci-dessous. :O_o:


Dear subscribers,

last month's meteorite world has been rocked by two major and historical discoveries. First there was the find of a new European iron meteorite of an approx. weight of 400kgs in the Benelux area. If this will be confirmed the new iron would be the second largest Central-European iron preserved. Unfortunately the investigators have only provided a single image, but no further information on the find. If there ever was a chance to promote the interest in meteorites in Europe to the general public - well here it is. We are curious to see what those in charge will make of their opportunities. On the far side of the Atlantic we could follow a totally different example of managing a meteoritic success story. A few weeks ago Steve Arnold (IMB) harvested the fruits of his ambitious and diligent Kansas field campaign by unearthing the 635 kg main mass of the Brenham pallasite. This was not only the acomplishment of an enourmous task but also a masterpiece in public relations, done by professional science writer Geoff Notkin. The Rollin' Rock Meteorite team likes to congratulate the finders and their supporters!



Dr. Svend Buhl

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