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Paris 12 nov 0h15: Appel à temoins - Satellite ? Avion ? Bolide? à 15°/sec ?


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A 0h15 cette nuit coup sur coup deux semblants de bolides horizontaux sont apparus, selon la même trajectoire horizontale d'ouest en est avec une vitesse de 15° par seconde (Paris, direction sud-sud est).


Cf relevé d'observation PDF ci-joint.



1°) certains d'entre vous ont-ils observé le phénomène ?



2°) j'ai eu la chance de pouvoir saisir le second passage dans l'oculaire de jumelles 10x50. Je ne comprends pas ce que j'ai vu.


Qui aurait des explications (rationnelles serait mieux ;) ) ?






Visiblement le pdf n'est pas joint, alors que je croyais l'avoir downloadé

- quelle est la procédure à suivre ?


- ci joint points clés du PdF:


Key specificities

- 2 bolids with horizontal trajectories

- Separated by 0,5 to 2 min time interval

- Exactly same trajectory – speed about 15°/sec

- 2nd meteor has been followed up in 10x50 binoculars for 0,5 sec

- Global impression (only a few tens of second observation)

• Looked like a planetary nebula

• Diameter stable estimated to 10 to 30 minutes

• Warm yellow

• with a kind of floating ring with possible sparkling spots of light

2 questions

 Are there other similar observations ? (same date/location – other dates/locations)

 What is the natural phenomenon involved ?




Night Thursday 11th to Friday 12th of November 2010

Local Paris Time

-2nd meteor : 00h15’ (+/-2’)

-1st meteor : estimated 30’ to 2 minutes before


-First observation Naked Eye,

-Second observation 0,5” Naked Eye + 0,5” Binoculars 10x50 (HELIOS Ultimate HR Field 5,3°mounted on 0,7kg tripod for easy hand sizing)

Location: Paris, France, close to Place de la République(2°22’ E -48°50’ N +/-50 meters)

Both meteors followed the same trajectory (horizontal eastwards, altitude 22°difference between not noticeable, estimated to less than 3°)

Second Meteor:

-Start: Azimuth 150°(+/-5°) Altitude 25°(+/-3°)

-End: Unknown –disappeared behind left wall limiting vision scope at Azimuth 136°(+/-1°) Altitude 23°(+/-1°) below and slightyeatswadsof RIGEL (ORION)

First Meteor

-Start: estimated identialto second meteor (+/-3°)

-End: altitude and trajectory looked the same as second meteor –same end of observation limited by the left wall

-Difference of alitudeestimated in all cases at max 3°

-Not noticeable gap to horizontal trajectory in both cases



Duration of both observation naked eye : estimated 1” (+/-0,2 “)

Observation of second meteor with Binoculars : estimated 0,5” from Az145°to wall 136°

Angle to Horizon : 0°-looked parallel to metallic bar in front of the window

Magnitude : Naked Eye like Jupiter (ie2.7), possblyless (like airplane)

Color: Warm yellow

Fragmentation : NO

Persistent Trail: NO (dot like -like satellite or plane –but continuous, no blinking in naked eye. With Binoculars blinking

Speed : 14 °/s (+/-30%)

Noise : NO (observation in the centre of Paris –we stayed 2 to 4 minutes at the window and didn’t notice specific noise)




Report on the observation of 2 meteors (bolids?) -Night 11thto 12thof November 2010 in Paris -Alain Chardon


12thNovember 2010


-After a rainy day and evening, a clear sky appeared for about half an hour. Our windows gives on the south (130 to 170 °AZ)

-We were beginning to look for Pegasus, Orion, Andromeda, M42 with 10x50 Helios binoculars mounted on light tripod for better sizing. We are used to use this instrument (Pointe du Raz, Mont Aigoual, Cevennes, Col de restefond, Alpesde Haute Provence, etc)

First meteor –naked eye observation

-It caught our attention because it was like a satellite, but brighter and faster

•It seemed slower than the usual shooting stars

•It appeared all of a sudden like a satellite

•No progressive though fast enlightmentlike bright shooting stars or bolids

•No apparent trail

•Dot-like, fast moving

•Faster than satellites or planes.

•We are used to see from time to time planes on this trajectory. They are 10 times slower. They do not appear all of a sudden at 150°AZ.

•It didn’t blink as a plane. It looked only white (no visible red or green colors like planes).

Second meteor -we could instantly catch it with 10x50 binoculars

-Same naked eye appearance

-With binoculars we were expecting either neat features (from plane or satellite), either trail features (from bolid)

-Observation provided a different pattern.



Observation of second meteor with 10x50 binocularsLike a Planetary Nebula with oscillating ring.



-We were observing with the tripod binoculars held by both hands closed to eyes, but having a naked eye watch..

-Second meteor appeared. We instantly begun to move, target and watch inside (like flying bird-watching)

-We had the luck to catch and follow the meteor for ½ second, which long fairly long (time to follow horizontally a few instants).

Surprises in Observation: 2 sure instant impressions , 1 less sure impression

-Sure :

•Nebula Like –fuzzy irregular, transparent, round shape

•warm yellow, like a strong nebula in a T400

•20’ diameter (+/-10’)


•impression of a kind of floating ring inside the fuzzy shape,

•deforming around its medium position, like a smoke ring

-Less sure :

•sparkles of light along the circle (not sure to have precisely seen it –faint evasive impression)

•Caution : we are not meaning UFO car-like headlights !

•Would rather look like dancing spots in turbulent image of star when slightly out of focus, at x200 in T120

NB we do not believe that the three following points can account for the observation

-We are slightly astigmatic. We observed without glasses. Our vision defect has a typical size far smaller than the involved observation.

-Just after the observation we verified the binoculars. The lenses were clean. They were perfectly focused on left side, very faintly out of focus on right side (only 2 graduations). It cannot account for the observed phenomenon.

-Turbulence patterns cannot be observed with 10x50 and 10’ diameters.

ca y est...ILS arrive....


:D:D:D Ha déjà ils sont un peu en avance cette année, même pas eu le temps de faire les préparatifs:D


Non sans rire si quelqu'un sais je voudrais bien connaitre la raison de cela;)


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