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    Sale or Trade SAC 8.2 CCD Camera

    Cette petite annonce appartient à la catégorie suivante: Caméra / Appareil-photo

    vente2 Type d'annonce: Vente
    Annonce ajoutée le 01-12-2014 par PaoloL (486 visites)
    Localisation: vide -

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    SAC-8.2 TEC cooled B&W CCD camera, great condition, selling for upgrade. This camera is easy to use and it is a good introduction to astrophotography. The camera use a IC0254AL Sony EX-VIEW HAD sensor with dimensions of 6.1x3.6 mm (similar to an ST-7 from SBIG). Great dynamic range is done by using 32bit FITs files for the image. The items are: camera with nose 31.8 mm and nose cap; control-box; cables (USB and bi-directional parallel port); 12 Volt plug. I used it with my Pentax75SDHF; 15 seconds of integration time is the maximum that I have used for doing astrophotos. I want sell this item with a notebook (Pentium 4) with usb and parallel ports.

    All for 400 euro plus shipping.

    I will consider any exchanges with material of interest to me . Take your proposals !

    For more information and photos please writing to:

    Best regards

    Paolo (Italy)

    Informations sur le membre

    Membre : PaoloL
    0 message sur le forum
    15 annonces publiées
    Date d'inscription : 11-03-2014
    Dernière activité : 17-11-2024

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