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    Taurus 400 pro
    Nikon Nav Hw 17 et 12,5
    Ethos 8 et 6
    Nagler 11
    MPCC MarkIII
    UWAN AP 28,16,7,4
    ES 8
    Meade 8,8 et 5,6 series 5000
    Edmund RKE 8
    William Optics Bino
    Celestron Ultima
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ben67's Achievements

  1. Alors si, en cherchant un peu sur internet: "You can collimate the collimator in the focuser with a 0.005" hex key yourself to shorten the shipping time. To access the alignment setscrews, you back out the cover between the target face plate tube and the battery tube. Just unthread the cover with a jar-opener or a rubber grip. Compress the SCA mechanism until the collimator has a snug fit without a lot of movement and yet you can slightly rotate the collimator in the focuser (with pressure registration on the opening). You will do a quick rotation to get some idea of the center of the laser spot rotation (does not need to be center of the doughnut on the primary). Adjust the corresponding setscrews to move the laser dot to the center of the rotation. Do not over crank the setscrews which may damage the laser circuit. Use the same adjustment technique on the secondary where you drive on down and let other two up."
  2. non, il faut les commander, d'autant plus que la longueur est à régler.
  3. Bonjour, si ça peut aider: UWAN 28 (version Astro Pro clone de William Optics) + Baader MPCC MKII avec bague sur Dobson 400 F4,5 (Taurus Pro) --> impeccable sur 90% du champ. Certainement moins bien que le paracorr mais on est déjà à un niveau de qualité excellent pour petit budget.
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